Then, last week, after Governor Sarah Palin's address at the

In a close contest - and that's what we're in - the first side to flinch, blink, or back down will lose. Every time Obama gives a little more, it feels like he's drafting his concession.
Both Recount and the real-time movie-for-television that is the Palin candidancy feature the Republican version of a femme fatale - someone who, in conservative political circles, passes as a babe and is so steadfastly Christian, that she routinely seeks guidance from the scriptures. In the film, Katherine Harris finds the strength to do what she believes she must by following the life of Queen Esther. According to the New York Times, Esther is also a role model for Palin. As Jon Weiner writes in the Huffington Post points out, this could be bad news for the modern day inhabitants of Persia, now known as Iran, since Esther sanctioned the vengeful slaughter of 75,000 of them.
Recount is playing throughout the coming weeks on HBO and has also been released on DVD. Someone ought to Netflix it for the Obama express.